Below is the Family Safety Policy, Culture, and Procedure created by Chapel of Praise 2020 Advisory Board and Leadership Team in light of the investigation and research we conducted in the winter of 2020. It was just a first step in a process to create a safe environment for our congregation.

Family Safety Policy, Procedure, including Investigation, Action, and Follow-up refers to dealing with offenses that threaten the safety of individuals and the church body.

-Instances of members involved in personal sin will be directed to Biblical restoration as prescribed in James 5:19-20 and Galatians 6:1.
-Instances of offenses between individuals should be directed to Biblical resolution steps described in Matthew 18:15-17 -only when these do not involve safety concerns. 


Chapel of Praise PCG,  Eugene, Oregon
Family Safety Policy, Culture, Procedure
Adopted Unanimously by the Advisory Board 11/30/2020

 I.             Policy 

  1.  Leadership

  2. Children's Ministry

  3.   Convicted Sex Offenders

  4.  Individuals after Disciplinary Action

II.             Culture

  1.   Trained Workers

  2.    Policy Shared

  3.   Reporting Accessible

  4.  Mindset of Accountability

  5.  Corporate Vigilance and Compliance

  6.   Prompt Action

III.  Procedure

  1. Reporting

  2. Investigation

  3. Action

  4. Follow-up

I. Policy

A. Policy Regarding Leadership

  1. Background check results (every 2 years and whenever deemed necessary), application (for new volunteers), notes from the skilled screening interview, confirmation of completed training, and signed copy of the policy will all be required and be securely stored in the pastor’s office.  All church leadership will go through this process, regardless of position.  No individual convicted of sexual crime against a minor shall be permitted to serve in any capacity, regardless of Tier of offense.  

All church leadership- Pastor, pastor’s wife, leadership team, department heads, board members, teachers- both adult and children’s, worship team members, church secretary, and any newly created positions or services- will receive a background check every 2 years and whenever deemed necessary.  No individual convicted of sexual crime against a minor shall be permitted to serve in any capacity, regardless of Tier of offense.  

All volunteers and staff members must fill out an application as part of the approval process.

A screening Interview will be the next step after their background check.  Screening interviews will be conducted by the Pastor, with the Advisory Board, and appropriate Department Head present and welcome to contribute.  Pastor and these leaders are required to attend training to enable skilled screening.  We recommend MinistrySafe’s Child Safety Workshop as recommended by Church Mutual.  

All church leadership will receive awareness training (regardless of where they are serving.)  All church leadership will read and sign a copy of church policy.  

2. Department Heads (Men, Women, Christian Education, Worship, Youth, etc.) will lead in gathering this information from potential volunteers.  

3. Ongoing and repeated education

a. Reviewing and updating the policy every 2 years

b. Seeking different training every other year

B.  Policy Regarding Children’s Ministry

  1. Appoint a “monitor” to observe flow and activity of people in the church building.  This individual cannot have other tasks during the events.

  2. While the church is occupied, only Children’s Ministry volunteers and Pastor will be permitted upstairs, or parents when accompanied by Children’s Ministry volunteers.

  3. Reread and affirm and/or edit former policy.  Annual check in on the compliance of these policies.  Biennial evaluation of policies for efficiency.

  4. Two-deep leadership.  There will always be two adults present with children at all times.  No adult will be alone with children before, during, or after church.  If there are not two eligible adults available for children’s ministry on a given Sunday, the children will remain with parents in the adult service.

  5. Chapel of Praise voluneers will not change diapers or assist in the bathroom stall.  Parents should be informed to change babies and take children into the bathroom prior to and after service.

  6. Electronic communication- There will be no texting or social media communication between Junior (elementary or below) and adults.  Adults and youth can communicate through texting or social media in a group message that includes another member of church leadership (continuing the policy of two-deep leadership in this area.)

C.  Policy Regarding Known Convicted Sexual Offenders

   STATEMENT: Chapel of Praise seeks to build a close and connected  community among those who call our church their church family.  We regularly encourage congregants to develop discipleship relationships with each other, sharing joys and burdens, breaking bread in one another’s homes, and being involved in one another’s lives outside of church services.  This is true communion.  This is what the body of Christ is meant to look like.

We also recognize that this creates inherent risk.  It is essential that those who are ‘named among us’ are safe.  In our services and while on our premises safety protocols are established and followed to prevent abuse or assault.  This does not however prevent sexual predators from beginning a grooming relationship with individuals in the church who would perceive them as a safe or trusted individual because of the relationship with the church body. 

Therefore, if the church is aware of a potentially unsafe individual among us, we must act, even if this individual is not serving in leadership.  We do not wish to introduce children and families to individuals with a criminal background in sexual abuse.  We do not want to encourage families to build “a family-like community” without the knowledge that it is potentially unsafe.

We are not professionally qualified to determine who is potentially unsafe, so we rely on the criminal justice system’s findings that convicted sex offenders’ records should be and are available to the public for safety considerations. 

At this time, this restriction is solely for those convicted of such crimes in a court of law and not in cases of rumor or speculation.  When it is known that an individual has been found guilty in the criminal justice system of our country, as a registered sexual offender, regardless of tier, the following policy must be followed.

POLICY:  No convicted sexual offenders, regardless of tier, will be permitted to attend services or events.  They are invited to discipleship relationships with pastoral leadership.  

We recognize there are alternatives that could address the potential risk, but the resources of  detailed legal counsel, advanced training, and a designated chaperone are beyond the resources and mission of the ministry of Chapel of Praise at this time.

We believe in restoration, in the transforming power of a new life in Christ.  We recognize that while forgiveness is granted by the Father, consequences on this earth still remain.  And penitent offenders will agree that the safety of our church family is paramount and prefer their brothers over themselves. 

D.  Policy Regarding Individuals After Disciplinary Action

Pastor and the Advisory Board reserves the responsibility to remove persons from fellowship at Chapel of Praise if their behavior is a threat to the safety of any individual and does not meet Biblical standards of conduct.

II.  Culture
What takes policy beyond the paperwork and into the life of the church.

A.  All workers have signed and understood the Family Safety policy and been trained in protection.

B. Policy is posted within the building.  Shared at an annual church meeting.

C. There must be a KNOWN way to report a violation of policy or concerning action.

  1.  Pastor’s phone number openly shared, available after services, etc.

  2. Leadership be available, calm, prepared to hear concerns.

  3. Advisory Board Members should have contact info to District officials should a reported violation come from pastoral leadership.

     D.  A Mindset of Accountability- no one is beyond accountability.
“There are none of us beyond the reach of legal and community scrutiny as we endeavor to minister with integrity in Jesus’ name.”

      E.  Expectation of Vigilance and Compliance - Working Together
Anyone and everyone is expected to speak up and point out a policy break or concern.  “If you see something, say something.”

  1. Report promptly.
    If one fails to report prompt- still report.  While it is not best, we still need to know!

  2.  Leadership available for reports.

  3. No retribution for reporters.

  4. Every concern taken seriously, investigated promptly.

  5. Reporting is not gossip or tattling if reported to the correct leadership to be investigated properly. 

     F.   The church can count on careful, prayerful, and prompt action from church leadership.

III. Procedure
Policies are for everyone all the time.  Procedures are for those in leadership positions to follow when the need arises.  We need procedures, updated, fluid, relevant, a “How-To” guide for those with the responsibility to address complaints of sexual misconduct and other complaints as well (though more issue specific procedures should be developed).

 A. Reporting

  1. All allegations must be taken seriously.  Do not neglect to investigate even if the complaint seems questionable.  Conduct an thorough investigation asap- even if to dismiss the allegation.

  2. All allegations should be reported to the Pastor immediately (or Advisory Board Member if necessary).  Allegations shared with any others should be immediately reported to the Pastor.

  3. Full cooperation will be given to civil authorities when applicable.  As church leadership, we may not be trained and have “skills that include prior investigative knowledge.”  Therefore for offenses that pass from being inappropriate or ungodly to being clearly illegal, Chapel of Praise leadership will notify the police immediately, take action to provide interim protection, and wait for police investigation findings to take further disciplinary action.

  4. Pastor (or Advisory Board Member if necessary) will notify the parents or legal guardian.  

  5. All situations will be handled forthrightly with due respect for people’s privacy and confidentiality.

  6. No accused will be addressed by anyone other than the established civil authorities and/or Pastor (or Advisory Board Member if necessary) until the safety of the chid or victim is secured.

  7. No victim involved in an allegation or anyone responsible for reporting an allegation will be retaliated against.

  8. 24 hour action.  Complaints will be heard immediately.  Should be reported the same day.  Will be brought before the Advisory Board within 24 hours of report to begin investigation and discipline procedures.

NOTE on Sexual Abuse of Minors That Are Now Adults:  Report child sexual abuse to police EVEN if the child is now an adult!

B.  Investigation

  1. All allegations will be investigated expeditiously.  Investigation will begin within 24 hours of the report.

  2. Immediate action to provide interim protection for the victim.

  3. Any accused worker/volunteer will be relieved temporarily of their duties until the investigation is completed.  Until the results of the investigation are complete, the accused will not be permitted to attend services.

  4. All details, interviews, and information will remain confidential except to those legitimately involved in investigation.  Any individual or group responsible for a breach in this confidentiality is subject to disciplinary action.

  5. No individual involved in an allegation or anyone responsible for investigating an allegation will be retaliated against.

  6. A written summary of the investigation will be created and filed securely in the Pastor’s office, along with teh disciplinary actions prescribed and undertaken.

  7.  All minors involved in any part of this process will be permitted to have parents/guardians present during the interview/report.

  • First the reporting individual will be asked for a full report.

Written notes should be taken during each report/interview.  The notes should be read aloud to the investigating body for review after each interview before moving on.

  • Then the reported victim will be asked for a full report.  (All interviews conducted individually and at separate times to avoid the crossing of paths of interviewees.)

  • Then any possible witnesses will be interviewed.

  • Then the reported offender will be asked for a full report, being informed of the allegations.  This interview does not require the reporter of infraction or the victim to be present.  This may include some of the skilled screening questions being asked- even if the accused is not leadership of any kind.

  • Reinterviewing any of the following as necessary.

Fact-finding and providing a safe environment should remain the main purpose of the investigation process.   Discipline action will follow the completed investigation.

  • Previous investigations and their resulting actions will be reviewed by the investigating body.

C.  Action

Again, illegal behavior should be reported to the authorities immediately.

Actions to be taken are to be decided by the pastor and the Advisory Board.  These may include, but are not limited to, probationary attendance (One strike policy), removal from fellowship, requirement to attend counseling with Pastor, and/or seek professional counseling. 

The pastor and Advisory Board reserve the responsibility to remove persons from fellowship at Chapel of Praise if their behavior is a threat to the safety of any individual.

D.  Follow-up

Offenders that are given a correction and warning will be scheduled for a follow-up meeting a determined amount of time later.

Examining policy and adherence to policy for any safety alterations that need to be made.

Any following pastor will be apprised of all positive/proven investigations and personally presented with the file of all investigations.