
This website is an exposé of sorts. An unveiling of ugly truths that you do need to know. Truths that we, as small church pastors needed to know; truths that we learned the hard way.  It is a safety warning, an exposure of a decades long problem, an airing of grievances, but it's also a story.  The story of an alarming phone call that we were sure would be the worst moment in our ministry. Yet, this moment began snowballing into more shocking and awful revelations. 

I knew that sexual predators were skilled liars and manipulators, but what struck me more than the betrayal of the criminals themselves was the shattering revelation that our once trusted leaders, friends, and mentors knew about these criminals and the danger they posed, but stayed quiet. These beloved leaders and mentors betrayed our trust. They acted in favor of known criminals who they promoted and concealed in our places of worship, in our church family, where they could strike again.  They did strike again. 

My husband Eli and I pastored a small church in Eugene, OR that was destroyed by a sex abuse scandal that has still not been resolved completely.   

What Has Happened

6 years into pastoring the small congregation, Chapel of Praise PCG of Eugene, Oregon, Pastor Eli Fields received a call on Sept. 30, 2020 that a member of the congregation, Richard Evarts, had been arrested.  Soon after we discovered why. 

”Richard Dale Evarts was arrested for multiple counts of sexual abuse after 2 youths disclosed and reported they had been sexually abused by R.E. several times over the last few years.”

News reports came out the next morning that revealed that R. Evarts had already been arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for charges of Sexual Abuse 1 in 1994.

While I watched the Internet rage about this repeat offender using his liberty to offend yet again I was shocked by this revelation about Richard.  This was a man we trusted.  Until just a few months prior, this man had been a part of church leadership.  Hearing this I remembered one person tell us to be careful with Richard and another told us that Richard made them feel uncomfortable, but this was shocking news.  Richard was actually a convicted sex offender and he had offended again.  And Eli was also shocked to hear that Richard was a convicted sex offender, but shouldn’t have been.  Here's what Pastor Eli shared with the Chapel of Praise congregation the week of Richard's arrest, in his own words.

“Richard did have a conversation to inform me that there had been issues in the past and implied he was falsely accused.  He voluntarily did not participate in any events that involved children.  I did not know that he was a registered sex offender.  Regretfully, I did not follow-up, I did not investigate and I should have…. Clearly I should have done more.  I apologize to our families.  Looking back it is very clear that he should have never been allowed to serve in positions that would grant him respect and trust.  I worked on assumptions and borrowed trust when the truth should have been sought.  This will never happen again.  There will be no more assumptions, decisions made upon assumptions, there will be no more secrecy or protection for abusers.  There will be no harbor for predators.  This will be a safe place for our families.  And I ask for your forgiveness in my lack of oversight.”

After the experience of these heartbreaking events, there is so much Eli and I both wish we had done differently before September 2020.  This was a situation we were not trained or prepared for. As leaders, we accept responsibility for not preparing ourselves.   Even in the aftermath we received little practical help from the PCG at the district or national level.  That is when we began to research and look for resources outside the denomination on how to ensure safety for the future and investigate the issues of the past.  

So in October 2020, as pastors we began to meet with guardians of minors who attended our congregation.  We instructed them to immediately report any suspected abuse to the authorities.  We waited to hear from each of them that their children were unharmed.  This was the hardest two days of ministry in my life.  

And we begin to research and discuss policy that would prohibit convicted sexual offenders with crimes against minors from attending services with children.

That very week we met with OSID Bishop Gary Saner and mentioned our grief over the awful possibility and questions we had to ask the families of our church.  We shared our desire to protect these families that we love from a clear threat.  I expressed my shock that we had a CONVICTED sex offender in our church and that we were creating policies to protect congregants.  We were preparing a policy that might prohibit convicted sex offenders from attending our church when children were present.  It was at this time in October 2020, that Bishop Gary Saner said to us, “You do know that Danny Walton is a registered sex offender?”  Danny Walton was a regular and active participant at our small church.  (For the record, Danny Walton may not be registered, but he is a convicted sex offender.)  We’ll address in a subsequent post the casualness in which a district official, a member of the PCG National General Board, revealed that a second man in our local church (of approximately 40 people) is a KNOWN convicted sex offender and that HE was aware. This is the main subject of the next blog, the sad paper trail of leadership who knew but didn’t act, and the abuse that followed after- abuse that didn’t have to occur.

So in dealing with one convicted sex offender, we are notified about a second sex offender.  We were not aware, but now our research began.  In Oct. 2020, we secured the Springfield Police Department reports of both men.

Before we share the devastating reports, know that we will not name the victims of abuse, neither the minors nor adults.  We will try not to give any information so specific as to identify them.  Their stories are theirs to tell as they see fit.  The survivors who spoke up and went to the police are the heroes of this tragedy.

I even hesitate to share broad descriptions of the crimes against them.  The reason we have decided to share these general description (never detailed narratives) is because for too long rumor, speculation, and half-truths have understated the ugly truth of these crimes.

For too long rumor, speculation, and half-truths have understated the ugly truth of these crimes.

These were not side-hugs gone wrong or patting diapered toddlers on the bottom.  We have found that many who did know about the arrests of Richard Evarts and/or Danny Walton didn’t know the gravity of their offenses.  So we share the reports to combat the minimizing of these crimes.   These two men are dangerous predators and one read of their police report makes this clear!

Richard Evarts

Richards’ Police Report from 1993 that ended in a conviction for Sexual Abuse 1 and an 18 month prison sentence.  This information is directly from the report (which is available to the public upon request as a public safety measure).

  •  Prior to 1993  There was an investigation in Junction City into alleged sexual abuse by R.E. (The Fields’ did not access records. )

  • Oct. 1993 arrested on 2 counts of S.A. 1.  This offense was reported immediately by juvenile and occurred while Richard was tending to a fireworks tent in July.

  • During the investigation two adult males report to the police that they were sexually abused by R.E. as teenagers on multiple occasions.

  • 2 other minors report to the police sexual abuse by R.E. that occurred quote “while attending a sunday school function at their church" which the police report identified as "Victory Temple” pastored by Don Manning." (This was in the 1990’s.)

  • Police speak to Pastor Don Manning who says quote, “the church felt the girls had made up the allegation” and that the church investigation had been conducted by Richard Evart’s father, Alan Evarts and quote, “cleared his son of any guilt.”  The girls stopped attending the church after the investigation.  (Yes, months BEFORE the abuse of July 1993, Don Manning was aware of others who had reported R.E.’s sexual abuse and Don Manning appointed Richard’s father to investigate.  When Richard’s own father declared him innocent, his victims left the church and Richard was given continued access to children)

  • Another adult reports sexual abuse as a child by R.E.  This makes a total of 7 recorded victims who reported to the police. -   7 recorded victims.  

That is 7 victims who were heard by the police, but ignored by the church.

7 broken-hearted warnings that church leadership didn’t heed as Richard was allowed back into leadership and access to our children and families- maybe not kid’s-teacher-access or alone-in-a-room-access, but intros, high-fives, hugs, 'this is a trusted person' kind of access.  This should never have been!

And if this wasn’t enough, we read through Danny Walton’s police report as well.  At this point the snowball of revelations was crushing.  

Danny Walton

Danny Walton’s Springfield Police Department police report from 1988 reveals:

  • In Feb. 1988 a teenager reports to the Springfield police that she was molested by Danny Walton while at a sleepover at Danny and Sharla’s house.  The teenager also reports to the police that another teenager was abused by Danny during a sleepover and that an elementary-aged child was sexually abused 2 years prior.  

The police begin an investigation. 

  • They discover that an elementary-aged child told her parents a few months after a sleepover at the Walton's that Danny had sexually abused her. According to their conversation recorded in the police report, the parents discussed the allegations with Danny and Sharla, at which time Danny admitted and apologized.  The 2 couples decided not to take further action because Danny promised not to do it again.  

Then for two years they concealed Danny’s crime against this child.  Until he abused the teenager who reported him in Feb. 1988 and she told the police about the two other victims.  

  • The police interviewed the youngest survivor. Though the charge that Danny is convicted of is Sexual Abuse 1, the abuse the girl vividly describes as recorded in the police report is rape.  I use that not as a legal term, but as the common definition.  Sex without consent is rape.  

  • In April of 1988, Danny Walton is arrested and later convicted of Sexual Abuse 1, for which he served time in prison. 

This is the man who was allowed in our church.  Who served desserts and manned our yard sale.  Who attended youth rallies, conventions, and game nights at the campground.  This should never have been!

We’ve been asked,
“What about forgiveness,
what about reconciliation?”  

First, we've learned that sexual predators thrive in churches because the biblical teaching of mercy and forgiveness are twisted to their purpose and to their benefit. 

It is important to remember that biblical forgiveness is not a lack of accountability.

Regardless of whether the perpetrator expresses remorse, even in perfect “Christian-ese” sexual crimes should be reported to the police.  You may choose to forgive a criminal, but it is wrong to conceal their crimes.  And when children are involved church leaders are required by law to report abuse to the police.  Forgiveness is not a lack of accountability for one's actions nor is it a lack of protection. 

Survivors may choose to forgive an abuser, that does not mean they ever have to succumb to their abuse, in any form, or be in a position to be hurt by them ever again.  G.R.A.C.E. Ministries exclaims that "a safe church equips and empowers all victims to walk away from those who abuse them."  

In the process of writing policy for Chapel of Praise, all of my research from victim-support organizations, other denomination's church policy discussions, insurance agencies, lawyers, and mental health professionals, all unanimous insisted that the perpetrator should not be at church with the victim. 

 Forgiveness is not lack of protection.

Here’s exactly what we shared with the OSID District Board about this principle. "We absolutely believe that God has the power to forgive, restore, and give new life.  I believe that a child sexual predator can be forgiven and restored.  I DO NOT however believe that everyone that declares they are living this restored life is actually doing so.  And we should NEVER be willing to risk the safety of our children or ANYONE ELSE’S to test their conversion.  NEVER.” 

Forgiveness does not mean giving known predators access to our children.

Why know? Because we deserve to gather to worship where it is safe.  I won’t argue about the rates of recidivism, honestly I don’t really know enough.  But I do know that both these men did reoffend.  Richard did reoffend, outside of the church body, but he clearly wasn’t safe to be around children.  Danny went on to reoffend, as well. Here's what happened:

In 2016 Danny Walton sexually harassed a minor twice in one day after a service at Chapel of Praise PCG.  The minor immediately reported the harassment.  Pastor Eli Fields, Advisory Board Member Larry Crane, Danny and his wife Sharla meet to discuss the report. Danny didn't deny it, apologized, and said it won’t happen again.  (Eerily familiar to the report we read years later, the same manipulative tactics that kept him from immediately facing charges for his sexual assaults in ‘88).

During this meeting, at no time does Sharla or Danny inform Pastor or leadership that Danny has a record of sexually harassing and assaulting children.  Pastor and church leadership treat the incident as a one-time occurrence.  Following this Danny begins to wait in his vehicle before service and exits immediately after.

This didn't last long however, because in March of 2020, the last in-person service before the COVID lockdown, an adult woman reports that Danny sexually harassed her, following her into a room alone after service, blocking her exit out of the room. 

When the Chapel of Praise Advisory Board met to discuss the March incident, the full board was made aware of the previous incident with the minor.   The conversation reveals reports of other instances of sexually inappropriate speech and actions of Danny in the intervening years.  (Note that Pastor Eli does not at this time, summer 2020, know that Danny was convicted of crimes against minors.) The Board voted unanimously to restrict Danny Walton from attending Chapel of Praise.  Pastor Eli was to set up a meeting with Danny and the Advisory Board- this meeting was delayed due to a death in the Pastor’s family.  

The Chapel of Praise Board chose to act on these multiple instances of harassment and ensure the church was a safe place to gather.  At this time the only person in church leadership who knew of Danny’s prior conviction was Richard Evarts.   Remember the reports that we just summarized for you were not retrieved until after Saner finally disclosed Danny's status in Oct. 2020.  If he had disclosed this sooner, we could have spared that minor, the adult woman, and the other adult survivors of Danny's abuse that came forward and shared their story with us after Pastor Eli and I spoke publicly against Richard's crimes.  Note, all these instances have been reported to the police.  


So why do I rehash these horrible details.  I'll never be in the same place as the Walton's again in my life.  I'm safe.  I share for those who attend churches rallies and camps within the OSID PCG and assume that they are safe.  They need to know this is how safe they are.  And take immediate steps to protect the vulnerable.  

We know people that we love who go to these churches and this is how leadership has been and is (not) keeping them safe. You need to know.  Danny Walton regularly attended district events, including youth rallies and fellowships.  He and Sharla are present at district conventions each year, during which time many ministers’ children are present and moving about the church building.  She’s been the lead children’s and youth camp sponsor and we’ve trained our children to trust her.  That’s a trust we now know that she has violated with devastating consequences.  Danny Walton's police report mentions 3 victims and he harassed more at Chapel of Praise.  Richard Evarts first police report mentions 7 victims, with two more he was recently convicted for and many more historical victims coming forward.  This is just the two documented predators that we uncovered and had police verification for or first-hand knowledge of.  There may be more.   And if the district handled the others with the same neglect they handled these, God help you all!  

Teal box with the text, "Why know?  Because your children and families deserve to worship in a church where they are safe.

Why Know?

Because your children and families deserve to worship in a church where they are safe.

That’s why we are also including in each post, Lessons learned the hard way.  It is our prayer that this information is valuable to readers outside of the PCG denomination as well.  The lies and errors that allowed this abuse to be concealed and continued are at work in far too many spaces.

Lessons Learned The Hard Way

Reporting abuse is not gossip.

As a mother, I teach my kids that it’s not tattling when they make me aware of a situation when someone is in danger or something is going to be broken.  Similarly, as adults, if we are aware of situations that are dangerous or troubling, situations that are unsafe, we should make the authorities aware. If you see something, say something.  If you know something, inform the authorities.  This type of report is not gossip if it's a security concern, if you tell the authorities who are responsible for keeping people safe.  Preachers, teachers, leaders, make sure you make this distinction when teaching about gossip.  Leadership that are responsible for safety need to be aware of safety concerns. In addition, leadership, when you hear these reports, take them seriously.  Investigate and follow through. 

This is a lesson I learned the hard way.  I wish when I was told that Richard made someone uncomfortable that I had asked why.  That I had pushed.  That I had made it clear that we were safe people to tell.  That if there was something we needed to know, we would help. 

We must use wisdom and not rely solely on legal/law enforcement for regulation.

One major misunderstanding many have around this situation is that they think that convicted sexual predators are on some list that can be searched by the general public.  Even after Richard’s second arrest (before his second conviction), his name didn’t appear in these searches.  In the state of Oregon these offenses are classified as Tier 1-3.  After email correspondence with State Police, I discovered that only Level One offenders are listed on this site.  (Details here: https://www.oregon.gov/osp/programs/sor/pages/offenderinformation.aspx) One must email state police to obtain information about Level 2 or 3 offenders and must have “public safety nexus” in order to receive a response.  The conviction that prosecutors were able to secure for Richard’s crimes in ’93 did not qualify as a Tier One offense.  His name did not appear on the publicly available searches in 2020. The same applies for the final conviction for Danny Walton.  His name does not appear on the publicly available searches.  And the State Police informed us that “None of the laws require any level of offender to notify a church” they attend.  

Another misunderstanding is that once a predator has been convicted, the law will restrict their access to children.   Many pastors and leaders then believe that the church doesn’t need to duplicate such regulations.  In fact, State Police informed us that in the state of Oregon “only Level 3 offenders are prohibited from being in a location where children regularly congregate.  Level 1 and 2 don’t have restrictions once off probation.”   (Details here: https://www.oregon.gov/boppps/Pages/SONL.aspx) Legally both of these men could have been near parks, schools, churches filled with children, and could even babysit.  Clearly this is not wise and has proven in both of their cases to be quite dangerous!  So leaders, you can’t count on the law to place appropriate restrictions.  We must decide that we don’t want repeat sexual offenders around our children and create and enforce appropriate policies ourselves.  

Use specific wording.

Leaders (not necessarily victims or immediate family members) and those reporting safety concerns should always use specific wording when discussing predators.  “Be careful” or “feel uncomfortable” are not descriptive enough to initiate the appropriate responses and protections.

I will use specific wording in the future.  Danny Walton is a convicted sexual offender.  He raped a child.  He has sexually assaulted minors, and sexually harassed both minors and adult women.  He is a sexual predator.  

Sharla Walton knowingly conceals his crimes and creates opportunities for children to be in his home, where she knows at least 3 other crimes against minors have occurred.  

Richard Evarts is a serial child molester, a sexual predator.   He can't be trusted. He is not safe.  


I don’t want to be doing this. A website is not supposed to be the solution to this problem.   As leadership of a local congregation, we took steps within our church to protect our congregation. First, the police have been notified, in fact much of our research comes from police files. Then for our local church we created policy, education, and protection.  For our local congregation that meant banning convicted sex offenders and especially those who were repeat offenders and had offended in church contexts.  But this problem extends beyond this one church.  Both of these men had attended other churches in the district and participated in district events.

So the next step in November 2020 was letting Oregon Southern Idaho District PCG leadership know that someone is dangerous and they should be removed from among us.  We met with them in December 2020, we used specific wording, we provided each man with a copy of the police reports, we appealed to them to take action.  We showed district leadership that the record showed historic failing to protect people, to listen to victims, and make a commitment to do better.  We attempted to resolve this issue with leadership. We meet with the Saners on multiple occasions. We met with the board and continued communicating to the board. It is with heavy hearts that we will share with you in detail that that didn't work, that many of the same failures were made.  We post this now for your protection, for the truth, for the survivors, because I believe there is still a district cover-up and no definitive protection from a repeat offender of sexual crimes against women and children.  And that's why you must know now!


They Knew